Nathan L Fraser

Consumer Insights

Listen, learn, action + deliver

  • Product Design
  • UI + UX
  • Strategy
Consumer insights - Ted Baker web screens
  • Design + StrategyNathan Fraser / Tammy Pearshouse
  • Project ManagementAna Parente
  • DevelopmentBen Hadwen / Elisabeth Vicente

Social and economic context are making considered fashion more relevant than ever. Brands can emphasise how investing in higher quality products benefit consumers, such as through greater durability and better performance.

Growing sustainability and ethical concerns also tie into how consumers think about their consumption habits, with some aiming to buy fewer but higher quality items.

Product Detail Page

Consumer insights PDP - desktop
Consumer insights PDP image - mobile
Consumer insights PDP options - mobile
Consumer insights PDP fabric & care - mobile
Consumer insights PDP recently viewed - mobile

Navigation + Search

Consumer insights header navigation - desktop
Consumer insights search modal - desktop
Consumer insights navigation - mobile
Consumer insights search modal - mobile


As part of a project group with representation from the insights, content, trade, marketing and social teams, we conducted research and ideation forums to propose several actionable recommendations and identify opportunities to explore.

  • Focus on product features, materials and quality over design, styling and trends
  • Expose information on product detail pages, emphasising description and features, and highlighting key materials, particularly with regard to sustainable credentials
  • Increase visibility of category and materials related content across the website, expanding content slots to the navigation menu, search results modal and product listing page grid
  • Add badges to content and product images to highlight materials and key features
Consumer insights screens
Insights Design Screens


Avenir Next Demi

Avenir Next Regular

Avenir Next Bold Condensed

Colour Palette




Work. WeAr.

For whatever the 9-to-5 looks like

  • Visual design
  • UI + UX
Workwear - model in suit

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Work. Wear.

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